I create websites and online stores
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The appearance counts

Since there are millions of websites, having one that stands out from the cluster with an elegant, tailored design, high usability and functionality is very important.

Statistics show that visitors spend only 4 - 10 seconds deciding whether or not they like a website. If it doesn't taste at first glance, they just surf on. They judge not only whether it is appealing in these seconds, but also whether what they see is relevant to what they seek.

Being clear in the design is therefore very important. My job is to create a relationship between you and your customer already at the first seconds they land on your website.

That's why I tailor most of the website I create.

Tailoring can be anything from a single page template used by all pages of your website to every page tailored to bring out the message you want to deliver, both in design, images and content. As a rule, there is something in between.